Acapulco season 2 episode 5 recap & review: We Don’t Need Another Hero

In episode 5 of Acapulco, Maximo tells Hugo all about he dealt with the aftermath of the argument between his sister and mother. The episode is now streaming on Apple TV+.


Maximo takes Hugo to a beat-up marina that he plans to use as a metaphor later on. He starts by narrating what happened at home the day after valentines day.

He got home to find Sara’s letters and pictures with Roberta and then learns that she and Nora got into a big fight after which Sara left. Maximo feels sorry for his sister while also feeling some anger towards his mother.

Julia finds Sara sleeping behind a laundry cart at the hotel and asks her what she’s doing there. She takes him to Maximo who then asks Julia if there is any chance Sara could stay at the hotel for a while. Julia says that she can stay for just one night.

Maximo goes back home and sees his mother packing up all of Sara’s things and he feels even more stressed out. He finds Memo also feeling down because he misses Lorena so he decides to cheer him up as a distraction from his own problems.

He sees that Memo’s favourite footballer, Hector Sanchez is in town so he suggests that they go to the club Sanchez frequents. Chad is looking for someone to teach him salsa and everyone at the hotel says that Don Pablo is the best dancer around.

Don Pablo begrudgingly agrees to teach him but in exchange for Chad washing his car.

Maximo calls Isabel along for the night out and they get into the club after telling them that they work at Las Colinas, which gave them special treatment inside because they were part of a group of high-end service workers.

Sara calls Hugo in the middle of Maximo’s story and starts talking about how her day at the hotel went that day. She says that she wondered if her mother was right about her sexuality being a phase and decides to put it to the test by meeting a boy at the hotel.

Don Pablo is struggling to teach Chad the moves because Chad is too nervous and insecure to take the lead. He tells Chad that he needs to take charge more and only then will he get it.

Maximo, Memo and Isabel party through the night and eventually they get tired. Isabel wants to leave along with Memo but Maximo insists that they stay so the boys stay back while Isabel heads out.

Memo is not having as much fun by then and Hector shows up to make the night even more miserable. They end up partying all night.

Sara meets a boy and spends all day with him. They get along well and at the end of the night they share a kiss but all that it does is confirm Sara’s feelings about her sexuality. The next morning she asks Julia if she can stay for a little longer and then ends up coming out as a lesbian to her.

Sara is worried that she has no support or nowhere else to go but Julia says that Sar can stay with her until things get better.

Isabel meets Memo and Maximo and tells them that she met Hector Sanchez at the restaurant she went to after leaving the club. Memo is annoyed with Maximo for making them stay and Maximo says that he didn’t want to go home because he felt like a failure for not keeping his family together.

They console him and tell him that the best he can do is just be there to support them no matter what. At home, Nora feels that she went far by taking out all of Sara’s stuff so she brings it all back so that when her daughter returns home, everything will be just the same.

That’s when Maximo takes Hugo to a much improved Marina that he contributed to, saying that sometimes things have to break to be built again.

Maximo thinks that his life is slightly better when he suddenly gets a visit from Fabian of Espectacular.


  • Sara’s journey of figuring out her sexuality isn’t played out as this major event but it is still handled with care and maturity. It adds some emotional depth while maintaining the comedic tone of the series.
  • Even Maximo dealing with the stress of taking care of his family is shown subtly, progressing the story while not being too overwhelming.
  • Chad’s character is becoming all that more likeable since the beginning of the series which is huge. There is genuine character development in a positive direction.
Acapulco season 2 episode 5
Acapulco season 2 episode 5 recap & review: We Don't Need Another Hero 1

Director: Victor Nelli, Jr.

Date Created: 2022-11-11 10:30

Editor's Rating:

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