Wild Babies: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

Wild Babies is an upcoming Netflix documentary series that chronicles the lives of wild animals as they grow up and learn to survive in lethal environments.

Release date

All the episodes of the series will release exclusively on Netflix on May 5.

Cast and creators

Narrated by: Helena Bonham Carter


“Every living creature starts life as a baby. From the moment of birth, the adventure of life begins. Some enjoy blissful babyhood full of playtime with siblings and the carefree fun that comes with learning skills for adulthood. Others have a brutal awakening as they are launched into a game of survival from day one, and have to learn to get by on their own… or not.”

Other details

The documentary is made by the producers of David Attenborough’s Life in Colour.


Wild Babies reveals the secret lives of baby animals as they venture into the wilderness. A montage of events and interactions we rarely get to see.

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