‘Warrior Nun’ is a fantasy drama series that follows a 19-year-old woman Ava Silva who wakes up in a morgue with a new life and an ancient artifact embedded in her back. She becomes a member of the ancient Order of the Cruciform Sword that fights demons on Earth.
Release Date
The second season of ‘Warrior Nun’ will stream on Netflix from November 10.
Cast & creators
- Alba Baptista as Ava Silva
- Toya Turner as Sister Mary / Shotgun Mary
- Thekla Reuten as Jillian Salvius
- Lorena Andrea as Sister Lilith
- Kristina Tonteri-Young as Sister Beatrice
- Tristán Ulloa as Father Vincent
- Olivia Delcán as Sister Camila
- William Miller as Adriel
Created by Simon Barry
“Ava and the Sister-Warriors of the OCS must find a way to defeat the angel, Adriel, as he attempts to build his following into the dominant religion on the planet.”
Other details
The show is based on the comic book character, Warrior Nun Areala, who was created by Ben Dunn in March 1993.
As Adriel gains power, Ava vows to bring him down. She is told to look for a specific weapon that the first Warrior Nun used to defeat the angel. Finally, the OCS prepares for battle.
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