Three Pines: Release date, cast, synopsis, teaser, trailer & more

Three Pines is a series that goes into the depths of a murder investigation only to find out that the town of Three Pines is not as humble and comfortable as it portrays it to be.

Release date

Three Pines is set to release on 2 December 2022 on Prime Video.

Cast and creators

  • Alfred Molina as Chief Inspector Armand Gamache
  • Rossif Sutherland as Jean-Guy Beauvoir
  • Marie-Josée Bélanger as Gamache’s Mother
  • Joshua Odjick as Tommy Kis
  • Max Laferriere as Mike Blake

Directed by Tracey Deer, Samuel Donovan, and Daniel Grou


“Chief Inspector Armand Gamache will turn every stone that comes his way to find answers to two murders that took place in a year. However, things are not so easy because it will require him to read between the lines, find queues in the most unexpected places and above all, rise above the town that pretends to be what they are not.”

Other details

Three Pines is a mystery series based on the novels written by Louise Penny under the blanket of “Chief Inspector Armand Gamache”


The inspector investigates everything in the town: the houses, the forest, and the people. Things once taken for granted will brim up all the secrets and mysteries of Three Pines.


Chief Inspector Armand Gamache is a veteran investigator who is tasked with investigating a spate of murders in the small town of Three Pines where things don’t seem as clear as they appear and every single person might be a suspect.

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