The Pentaverate: Release date, cast, synopsis, teaser & more

‘The Pentaverate’ is an upcoming limited comedy series created by Mike Myers in which a Canadian journalist must expose the truth to the world about the secret society called ‘The Pentaverate’.

Release date

The Pentaverate will be available to stream on Netflix from May 5, 2022.

Cast and creators

  • Mike Myers
  • Ken Jeong
  • Keegan-Michael Key
  • Lydia West
  • Richard McCabe
  • Debi Mazar

Created by Mike Myers


“What if a secret society has been influencing world events for the greater good since the Black Plague? An unlikely Canadian journalist finds himself embroiled in a mission to uncover the truth and just possibly save the world himself.”

Other details

The Pentaverate is a spin-off web series of the 1993 romantic black comedy film So I Married an Axe Murderer. The series will consist of six episodes.


In 1347, five men discovered that the Black Plague was caused by fleas on rats as opposed to the Church which believed it to be a punishment by God. Shunned by the Church, they decided to create a secret society, ‘The Pentaverate’, to influence world events.

Ken Scarborough (Myers), a Canadian journalist, is now out to expose the truth behind the society. Will he succeed or will ‘The Pentaverate’ prevail once again?

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