The Law According to Lidia Poët: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

The drama series, The Law According to Lidia Poët follows the true story of Italy’s first female lawyer.

Release date

The Law According to Lidia Poët is to premiere on February 15, on Netflix.

Cast and creators

  • Sara Lazzaro as Teresa Barberis
  • Matilda De Angelis as Lidia
  • Nicolo Pasetti as Louis
  • Dario Aita as Andrea.
  • Mia McGovern Zaini as young Lidia Poët.
  • Matilde Vigna as Anita Tosetti.
  • Riccardo Leto as 2 Judge.
  • Gionathan Montagna as Direttore dell’opera

Creators: Guido Iuculano and Davide Orsini

Official Synopsis

“Turin, late 1800s. A ruling by the Turin Court of Appeals declares Lidia Poët’s admission to the bar association unlawful, thus preventing her from practicing law simply because she is a woman. Penniless but full of pride, Lidia secures a job at her brother Enrico’s law firm while she prepares an appeal to overturn the court ruling.

In an approach that’s ahead of its time, Lidia assists criminal suspects by searching for the truth behind outward appearances and preconceptions. Lidia’s brother-in-law, Jacopo, a mysterious journalist, passes her information and introduces her to the hidden worlds that lurk beneath a flamboyant Turin. The series is a light procedural drama, reinterpreting the true story of Lidia Poët, Italy’s first female lawyer.”

Other details

The Law According to Lidia Poët will have only 6 episodes.


In the clip, it is seen that Lidia Poet faces competition and struggles for acceptance as a female lawyer. Her credibility is found dubious because of her gender – until she gets her hands on a case that could possibly turn things around for her.

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