The G Word with Adam Conover: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

The G Word with Adam Conover is a Netflix documentary series that focuses on asking the question “How does American Government work?” and tries to explore the failures, wins, and the path of change.

Release date

The comedy-documentary series will be released on Netflix on May 19.

Cast and creators

  • Adam Conover
  • Nicole Randall Johnson
  • James Austin Johnson
  • Sierra Katow
  • Raphael Chestang
  • Becky Robinson
  • Ayazhan Dalabayeva
  • Jeff Seid

Created By: Jon Cohen, Adam Conover, and Jon Wolf

Produced By: Tonia Davis, Hallie Haglund, and Priya Swaminathan


“The G Word with Adam Conover is a hybrid comedy-documentary series that pulls back the curtain on the surprising ways the US government impacts our everyday lives, from the mundane to the life-changing. With his signature blend of irreverence and insight, Conover explores the government’s triumphs, failures, and what we might be able to do to change it. The G Word with Adam Conover is produced by Higher Ground alongside Adam Conover, Jon Cohen, and Jon Wolf of Fair Point.”

Other details

Adam Conover is an American comedian, writer, and television host. Along with him, several other well-known comedians are a part of this series making it filled with humour. 


The trailer begins with Adam striking the question “what the government does?” Following this the exploring journey into the world of government offices and civil servants takes us through finding the answer to the question asked. The trailer also follows the scripted comedic skits that parallelly define the American government for us.

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