The Dreamlife of Georgie Stone is an upcoming Netflix documentary about the life of Georgie Stone and her experiences as a transgender teen and activist.
Release date
The Dreamlife of Georgie Stone will premiere on 22 September on Netflix.
Cast and creators
- Georgie Stone
- Greg Stone
- Rebekah Robertson
- Harry Stone
Directed by Maya Newell
“Sharing her journey from child to teen activist, Georgie Stone looks back at her life and historic fight for transgender rights in this documentary.”
Other details
Georgie Stone was the youngest person to receive hormone blockers and her experience set a precedent for the laws regarding transgender children in Australia.
Georgie recalls her fight for trans rights in Australia and the moments in her life that led up to her becoming a renowned activist, writer, actress, and the winner of the Young People’s Human Rights Medal in 2017.
Also Read: Broad Peak: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more