The Big Conn: Release date, synopsis, trailer & more

The Bigg Conn is a four-part docuseries revolving around the life and crimes of Eric C. Conn, who defrauded the government and taxpayers of the United States through the largest Social Security fraud in US history.

Release date

The docuseries will premiere on Apple TV+ on May 6.


Created by James Lee Hernandez and Brian Lazarte


“The true story of how Eric C. Conn pulled off one of the largest government frauds in U.S. history. The Big Conn uncovers how two whistleblowers realized Conn was living a little too large in eastern Kentucky.”

Other details

The episodes will premiere alongside an Apple TV+ Original companion podcast with additional interviews and behind-the-scenes details.


Everything about Eric C. Conn spoke volumes about his flamboyance and extravagance. But behind the extravagant lifestyle of Eric C. Conn were the millions of dollars he stole through his Social Security fraud.

Eric C. Conn scammed people of more than 550 million dollars but behind his actions lies a bigger conspiracy waiting to be unveiled.

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