Taco Chronicles: Cross the Border: Release date, synopsis, trailer & more

Taco Chronicles: Cross the Border’ is documentary series that explores how the Mexican dish is able to transcend boundaries.

Release date

The docu-series premieres November 23 on Netflix.


Directed by Hallie Davison, Magaly Ugarte and Daniela Rodriguez

Official synopsis

“The taco may leave Mexico, but Mexico doesn’t leave the taco. Across the US border, Mexican cooks keep the tradition alive and experiment with new flavors.”

Other details

This is the third volume of the ‘Taco Chronicles’ franchise. The first two volumes are currently streaming on Netflix.


A taco gets a voice-over, and explains how even though it leaves Mexico, the city always inherently exists in the dish. With a specific focus on Chicago, the docuseries highlights how the American city is a taco hub.

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