Netflix recently procured the streaming rights for post-apocalyptic dystopian thriller, Snowpiercer. Created by Bong Joon-ho (Parasite), Snowpiercer is based on the 2013 South Korean-Czech film by the same name which starred Chris Evans.
The plot is based on people who are onboard a perpetually ongoing train traversing the circumference of earth seven years after the world becomes a “frozen wasteland”.
The web series exemplifies “class warfare, social injustice and diplomatic survivals”.
The teaser features ironical parallel portrayals of the wealthy class living the same-old lifestyle including devouring Michelin star meals and enjoying at strip clubs, whereas the low class communities are stuck in the crevices of the lower end of the train with nothing but industrial muck around them.
Daveed Diggs, Jennifer Connelly, Mickey Sumner and Annalise Basso star in pivotal roles in the series.
After being stuck in production hell till May 2019, the series was picked up by TNT and now Snowpiercer is all set to stream on Netflix.
Watch the teaser below:
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