The comedy series ‘Shrinking’, centres on a bereaved therapist who begins to defy convention and tell his patients what he really feels about them.
Release date
The series will release on Apple TV+ on 27 January 2023.
Cast and creators
- Jason Segel as Jimmy
- Lukita Maxwell as Alice
- Christa Miller as Liz
- Harrison Ford as Dr. Phil Rhodes
- Luke Tennie as Sean
- Jessica Williams as Gaby
Writers: Bill Lawrence, Brett Goldstein and Jason Segel
Official synopsis
“Jimmy is struggling to grieve the loss of his wife while being a dad, friend and therapist. He decides to try a new approach with everyone in his path: unfiltered, brutal honesty. Can he help himself by helping others? Will it bring him back into the light?”
Other details
The first two episodes of Shrinking will have a global debut on Friday, January 27, with one new episode airing every Friday after that.
Although there are Harrison Ford and Jason Segel present along with other series characters, the teaser for the show doesn’t provide many narrative specifics.
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