Santa Evita: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

“Santa Evita is an Argentine drama chronicling the over two-decade odyssey of the corpse of Eva Perón.”

Release date

Santa Evita premieres on July 26, 2022 on Hulu.

Cast and creators

  • Natalia Oreiro
  • Francesc Orella
  • Ernesto Alterio
  • Darío Grandinetti
  • Diego Velázquez
  • Diego Cremonesi

Created by: Tomas Eloy Martinez

Directed by: Rodrigo García


“This is the story of Eva Perón after her death. The embalmed body of “Evita” had an eventful journey that lasted for 22 years, and was every bit as eventful as her 33 years of life. Evita died in 1952, but her corpse waited above ground for three years for the construction of a monument that was ultimately never built. In 1955, President Perón’s government was overthrown by a military coup, who hid the body for 19 years to prevent it from becoming a symbol against the regime.

“While only a political figure for six years as General Perón’s wife, her corpse influenced Argentine politics for more than two decades — weaving a morbidly strange story that passed into the realm of mythology. To the military officers that took over, Evita was even more dangerous than when she was alive, as all feared that errant corpse without a resting place.”

Other details

The mini series is based on the book Santa Evita by Tomas Eloy Martinez, that blends fact and fiction to tell the story of Argentina’s First Lady, Eva Perón’s embalmed corpse. Salma Hayek Pinault is the series’ Executive Producer.


Eva Perón, looks pale and sickly. After her death, her body is embalmed and the myth of Santa Evita is born. There are four of her mummified bodies, causing chaos and political leaders having to fight a power battle.

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