The animated series, Pretzel and the Puppies follows Pretzel and Greta, two dachshunds in Muttgomery, as they inspire their puppies to solve their own issues and transform the world into a better place.
Release date
The new season is to premiere on February 24 on Apple TV+.
Cast & creators
- Alex Jayne Go as Poppy
- Milo Stein as Paxton
- Gracen Newton as Pedro
- Max Mitchell as Puck
- Amari McCoy as Pippa
- Nasim Pedrad as Greta
- Mark Duplass as Pretzel
Creators: Steven Altiere and Kim Howitt
“Meet Pretzel, the world’s longest dachshund and a playful, supportive dad to five frisky puppies. Together with his wife, Greta, they encourage their pups to get their paws up to solve problems and `make their bark’ on the world.”
Other details
Emmy nominee Mark Duplass provides the series’ voice as Pretzel.
The clip reintroduces Pretzel and the puppies. The family is back with new adventures and good valued lessons to make the world a better place to live in.
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