Pamela, a love story: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

‘Pamela, a love story’ is a documentary that looks at the titular celebrity’s life from a more personal perspective.

Release date

‘Pamela, a love story’ is releasing on 31st January, on Netflix.


Pamela Anderson as herself.


“An intimate and humanizing portrait of one of the world’s most famous blonde bombshells, Pamela, a love story follows the trajectory of Pamela Anderson’s life and career from small-town girl to international sex symbol, actress, activist, and doting mother.”

Other details

The documentary is directed by Ryan White, who is best known for ‘The Keepers’ and ‘Ask Dr. Ruth’.


Looking back into the past of Anderson is the crux of the 2-minute video clip. After many allegations and gossip, Anderson takes control of the narrative and speaks her story in this documentary.

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