Outer Range: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

Prime Video’s Outer Range is an upcoming thriller starring Josh Brolin as a Wyoming rancher who becomes involved in a supernatural mystery.

Release date

All the episodes of Outer Range will release exclusively on Prime Video on April 15.

Cast and creators

  • Josh Brolin
  • Imogen Poots
  • Lili Taylor
  • Tom Pelphrey
  • Tamara Podemski
  • Lewis Pullman

Created by: Brian Watkins


“Outer Range centres on Royal Abbott (Josh Brolin), a rancher fighting for his land and family, who discovers an unfathomable mystery at the edge of Wyoming’s wilderness. A thrilling fable with hints of wry humour and supernatural mystery, Outer Range examines how we grapple with the unknown.”

Other details

The series marks Brolin’s first return to television in a leading role after nearly 20 years since his turn in ‘Mister Sterling’.


As a rancher muses about his dream life with his family, a mysterious drifter, Autumn, arrives to discover the true meaning behind her spiritual connection to his ranch.

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