Orphan: First Kill: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

“Orphan: First Kill is an upcoming American psychological horror film, serving as a prequel to the 2009 film Orphan.”

Release date

Orphan: First Kill will start streaming on August 19, 2022 on Paramount+.

Cast and creators

  • Isabelle Fuhrman
  • Julia Stiles
  • Rossif Sutherland
  • Hiro Kanagawa
  • Matthew Finlan
  • Samantha Walkes

Directed by: William Brent Bell

Screenplay by: David Coggeshall

Story by: David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick and Alex Mace


“After escaping from a psychiatric facility in Estonia, Esther travels to America by impersonating the missing daughter of a wealthy family. Yet, an unexpected twist arises that pits her against a mother who will protect her family at any cost.”

Other details

The film was originally going to be called Esther but was renamed Orphan: First Kill later. Isabelle Fuhrman was digitally de-aged to make her appear similar to how she does in the original film.


Esther, who had been missing for 4 years, has been found by the police. Her mother calls a child therapist to help her readjust to her family. But her behaviour is erratic. Although polite and soft-spoken, she has violent tendencies brimming under the surface. A detective finds out that the girl found is not really the girl who went missing four years ago. Murder, arson, poisoning, the girl won’t stop at anything to keep up the pretense, and neither would the mother.

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