Netflix’s new trailer traces four women’s journey to the White House

Netflix released the trailer for its new documentary Knock Down The House directed by Rachel Lears today.

The original production releases on May 1 and highlights the journey of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), Cori Bush, Amy Vilela and Paula Jean as they worked their way through the elections in 2018. 

The trailer starts with Ocasio-Cortez talking about her personal and professional struggles as she says:

“If I was a rational person, I would’ve dropped out of this race, a long time ago.”

It then moves on to Vilela mentioning her daughter’s death and the fight against insurance fraud. Likewise, Bush brings the focus to women of colour and her district while Jean talks about her lineage including coal miners and the damage done to her section of the society.

The documentary was given the Festival Favourite Audience Award at the Sundance Film Festival and brings attention to important figures in USA’s politics.

Essentially, it traces the hardships that each of the four women faced in every step of the way and how they managed to survive the race involving 529 other women heading towards the US Congress.
Ocasio-Cortez tweeted about the movie and her experience:

You can find the trailer here:

Images source: Knock Down The House’s Twitter account

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