Netflix Original series ‘Black Summer’ Season 2 is set to stream on the platform from June 17. The second installment of the show will expand the ‘Z Nation’ universe, taking a time leap from ‘hell of summer’ to the ‘cold of winter’ as its lead Rose, played by Jamie King, struggles to protect her daughter from new dangers.
The first season of ‘Black Summer‘ consisting of 8 episodes, was released on Netflix in April 2019, and its return after two years of has created a buzz among its fans.
For the uninitiated, the narrative of ‘Black Summer’ revolves around Rose, who gets separated from her daughter Anna (played by Zoe Marlett) during the early days of a grisly zombie apocalypse. Fighting odds, she reunites with her at the end of season one, but loses her husband Patrick (played by Ty Olsson) on the way.
The second season shifts to winter where “everything is different” and the trailer hints at an ominous premonition, while one hears growls in the whistling wind with tense music playing in the background.
With the jump in time after six weeks into the zombie apocalypse, Rose is faced with the twin challenge of taking on the zombies and the warring survivors of previous upheaval in the form of hysterical scavengers and lethal militia in the freezing cold. As the trailer says, “The greatest threat to humanity is from humanity itself.”
Going by the trailer of season two, Rose seems to have evolved as a person in the new season. From being a fiercely protective mother, who can go to any lengths to keep her daughter alive, she now emerges as a fighter who would prefer her daughter to die than fall in the hands of a ghastly enemy.
Most of the cast from season one, comprising Justin Chu Cary, Christine Lee, Sal Velez Jr., Kelsey Flower, and Erika Hau are set to reprise their roles in ‘Black Summer’ season two.
Check out the season 2 trailer:
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