Mom, Don’t Do That!: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

Mom Don’t Do That is a comedy film that focuses on the mother of two who decides to find love again through online dating apps despite the annoyance of her daughters.

Release date

Mom, Don’t Do That! will be released on Netflix on July 15.

Cast and creators

  • Alyssa Chia
  • Ko Chia Yen
  • Billie
  • Chris Wu
  • Austin Lin

Created by Chen Wei-Ling, Chun-Hong Lee

Produced by CJ ENM


“A 60-year-old widowed mom decides to find love again through online dating – to the joy and annoyance of her two daughters.”

Other details

It is based on a novel and will consist of 8 episodes.


A mother of two is back in the game of love and wants to get married again. Whereas, her daughters are against marriage as a concept and want to take things slow in their life. The mother starts her journey from online dating apps with her daughter as a competition.

The journey of finding a new love brings numerous adventures in the mother-daughter relationship.

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