Mammals: Release date, cast, synopsis, teaser & more

Mammals is an upcoming comedy-drama series about the complexities of relationships. The series delves into the highs and lows of a marriage.

Release date

Mammals will premiere on 11 November on Amazon Prime Video.

Cast and creators

  • James Corden as Jamie Buckingham
  • Melia Kreiling as Amandine Buckingham
  • Sally Hawkins as Lue
  • Colin Morgan as Jeff Wilson

 Written by Jez Butterworth


“In this darkly comedic drama from writer, Jez Butterworth, revelations and secrets come to light and the complexity of modern marriage and fidelity are exposed. In a world of eight billion, what happens after we’ve found ‘the one’? Can we stay true to the promises we strive to keep when, after all, aren’t we all just MAMMALS? “

Other details

The writer of the series is known for his work in the plays Jerusalem, The Ferryman and Mojo. The series will consist of a total of six episodes.


Jamie and Amanda Buckingham describe their relationship as agony, turmoil, confusion and different negative words to their therapists. Jamie Buckingham is a chef whose idea of marriage shatters after he discovers a secret.

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