Kongsi Raya: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer and more

In the Netflix release, ‘Kongsi Raya’, a Chinese chef falls in love with a Malay TV producer, while their relationship hits an obstacle wherein their fathers object.

Release date

‘Kongsi Raya’ is now available to stream on Netflix.

Cast and creators

  • Wilson Lee
  • Qasrina Karim
  • Harith Iskander
  • Erra Fazira
  • Chew Kin Wah
  • Ong Ai Leng

Directed by Teddy Chin


“In a match made in culinary heaven, a chef and a food TV show producer fall in love. But then their feuding fathers challenge each other to a cook off.”

Other details

The term ‘Kongsi Raya’ refers to the years when the dates of Chinese New Year and Hari Raya Aidilfitri take place in the same duration of time. This occurs every 33 years as per Islamic calendar shifts.


Sharifah, a Malaysian girl, is on the lookout for a romantic partner, while she finds interest in a Chinese lad. Both their fathers disapprove of each other due to their long-term feud.

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