Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey follows the real story of the survivors of Warren Jeffs, a self-professed Messiah who ran a criminal cult, providing insights into the rise and fall of a modern-day tyrant in America.
Release date
Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey will be available to stream on Netflix from June 8, 2022.
Directed by Rachel Dretzin and Grace McNally
“An in-depth look into the secretive polygamous sect of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the rise of self-professed prophet Warren Jeffs. From forced underage marriage and pregnancy to a complete unraveling into an oppressive criminal cult under Warren Jeffs’ rule, the story uncovers extraordinary bravery battling tyrannical control in modern America.”
“This docuseries examines the rise of Warren Jeffs in the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and his shocking criminal case.”
Other details
Rachel Dretzin also directed the 2020 documentary miniseries Who Killed Malcolm X? which is available on Netflix. Under the Banner of Heaven on FX on Hulu, starring Andrew Garfield, also follows a murder involving the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
When fanaticism and faith mingle, the concoction served is one that’s dangerous and powerful. When Warren Jeffs rose among the ranks of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the result was quite the same.
For the survivors of Warren Jeffs’ criminal cult, which forced polygamy and underage marriage on young girls, the choice was between standing against a powerful multi-million dollar religious entity and standing up for their own good. But voicing protest against your own fears and conditioning is a battle to be fought unlike any other.
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