Keep Breathing: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

Keep Breathing is a survival thriller series set in the Canadian wilderness, as a lone plane crash survivor struggles to stay alive.

Release date

Keep Breathing will make its debut on Netflix on July 28.

Cast and creators

  • Melissa Barrera
  • Joselyn Picard
  • Jeff Wilbusch
  • Juan Pablo Espinosa
  • Austin Stowell
  • Florencia Lozano
  • Mike Dopud

Written and created by Martin Gero and Brendan Gall

Directed by Maggie Kiley and Rebecca Rodriguez

Produced by Warner Bros. Television


“When a small plane crashes in the middle of the Canadian wilderness, a lone survivor must battle the elements — and her personal demons— to stay alive.”

Other details

Keep Breathing will be released as a six-episode limited series on the platform. It was earlier titled ‘Breathe’ but was renamed in June 2022.


The protagonist, Liv, is the sole survivor of a plane crash and the viewer sees how she battles weariness, the wilderness and her own memories as she tries to stay alive. 

The narrative shifts between the present and her past, creating a dark and emotional web of her experiences.

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