JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: STONE OCEAN: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: STONE OCEAN is an anime series that focuses on Jolyne Cujoh who is determined to save her father from Dio the invader.

Release date

Episodes 13-24 of ‘JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: STONE OCEAN’ will be released on Netflix on September 1.

Cast and creators

  • Kira Buckland
  • Tiana Camacho
  • Amber Lee Connors
  • Arthur Romeo
  • Caitlin Glass
  • Clifford Chapin
  • Michael Schwalbe
  • Carrie Savage
  • Cassie Ewulu

Created by Ryan Raydarke


“The legacy of the Joestar family continues with Jolyne as she and her companions take on new Stand users behind the bars of Green Dolphin Street Prison.”

Other details

Stone Ocean is the sixth story arc of the popular 1999 Japanese manga series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, written and illustrated by Hirohiko Araki.


Pale Snake attacks Jotaro, removing both his Stand ability and memory in the form of discs, leaving him in a dormant state. In order to recover her father’s discs, Jolyne decides to remain in the prison.

Along with her new companions Ermes Costello, F.F., Emporio Alnino, Weather Forecast, and Narciso Anastasia, Jolyne fights against other Stand users who have infiltrated the prison so she can uncover who is behind Pale Snake and reclaim her father’s Stand ability and memory.

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