I Used to be Famous: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer and more

I Used to be Famous’ is an upcoming drama starring Ed Krein who plays a former boy band star unexpectedly getting a second shot at success when he forms a bond with a gifted young drummer.

Release date

‘I Used to Be Famous’ premieres on September 16, 2022 on Netflix.

Cast and creators

  • Ed Skrein
  • Eleanora Matsuura
  • Leo Long
  • Eoin Macken
  • Kurt Egyiawan
  • Neil Stuke
  • Rachael Ofori

Directed by: Eddie Sternberg

Written by: Eddie Sternberg and Zak Klein


“Vince used to be in the hottest boy band around. Now the troubled former popstar is alone and desperate. He dreams of making a comeback and starts performing in the streets of Peckham, in the hope that someone, anyone, will listen. An impromptu jam with Stevie, an autistic young drummer with an incredible gift for rhythm, sparks an unexpected friendship between the two misunderstood musicians. Together they form a unique bond through the power of music.”

Other details

‘I Used to be Famous’ is expected to be Eddie Sternberg’s directorial debut. Ed Skrein, who stars in this film, is known for appearing in Game of Thrones and Deadpool.


Vince is trying to get people to listen to his solo album but nobody seems to be interested in his music. Defeated, he sets up his station on a park bench to practice. There, he meets a young boy playing on the bench with his drumsticks. The two seem to have a connection. They decide to collaborate to achieve both of their goals: to release new music and to go to music school. Things are not easy for them, though.

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