I Came By: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

I Came By’ is an upcoming British crime thriller following a young graffiti artist who is dragged into a deadly game of cat and mouse after uncovering a prestigious judge’s sinister secret.

Release date

‘I Came By’ is set to premiere on August 31, 2022 on Netflix.

Cast and creators

  • George MacKay
  • Percelle Ascott
  • Kelly Macdonald
  • Hugh Bonneville
  • Varda Sethu
  • Franc Ashman
  • Anthony Calf

Directed by Babak Anvari

Written by Babak Anvari and Namsi Khan


“A graffiti artist who targets homes of the elite uncovers a twisted secret in a hidden basement — triggering events that put his loved ones in danger.”

Other details

Babak Anvari has previously directed ‘Under the Shadow’, ‘Monsterland’ and ‘Wounds’. ‘I Came By’ stars Hugh Bonneville who appeared in ‘Downton Abbey’ and ‘George MacKay’ of the Oscar-winning film ‘1917’ fame.


A poor, young man discovers a secret that a powerful judge is trying to hide. It’s a battle between the poor and the powerful, with breath-holding suspense and risky acts of rebellion, and one that comes at a cost.

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