The Indian actor has joined the cast of director Zack Snyder’s upcoming Netflix film, Army of the Dead. The film will also stars former WWE superstar turned actor Dave Bautista, Ella Purnell, Ana De La Reguera and Theo Rossi in major roles.
Bollywood trade analyst Taran Adarsh also put out the news via a tweet:
The film will be about a zombie outbreak in Las Vegas. It will be Snyder’s first after a two-year hiatus which he took due to personal reasons after directing Justice League in 2017.
Snyder is also known for directing major films like 300, Watchmen, Man of Steel, Sucker Punch and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The filming for his Netflix original is set to begin in July.
This news comes as another one of Qureshi’s projects, Leila, is set to stream on Netflix from 1 June, 2019. The new series will also mark her debut in the digital space.