Chris Hemsworth’s Extraction set to shatter Netflix record

Chris Hemsworth’s high-profile summer release on Netflix, Extraction, is set to shatter the platform’s film-viewing record.

According to projections, the film, which came out on April 24, will be viewed by 90 million households within the first four weeks.

Michael Bay and Ryan Reynolds’ 6 Underground, viewed by 83 million people in the first four weeks, could end up losing its pole position.

Hemsworth also reacted to the news:

Netflix’s counting of views, however, has been subject to constant change. Earlier, 70% of a title needed to be watched for the platform to count it as a view.

This has been changed to two minutes to better compare longer and shorter titles. It’s impossible to tell how many of the millions actually watched the whole film as Netflix keeps a major chunk of its numbers under wraps.

In case you still haven’t watched it, here’s the trailer to help you decide:

Also Read: People fume over portrayal of Dhaka in Netflix’s Extraction

Anweshak Tejendra
Anweshak Tejendra
Anweshak, editor-in-chief and co-creator of The Envoy Web, has been writing in the entertainment niche for years. A passionate film and television enthusiast, he has immersed himself in the world of pop culture throughout his career. He holds a master’s degree in multimedia journalism from London’s University of Westminster..

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