Good Luck To You Leo Grande: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

Good Luck To You Leo Grande is a drama that explores the desires of a 55-year-old Nancy who is out of a marriage and now yearns for human connection and some good sex.

Release date

Good Luck To You Leo Grande will be released on Hulu on June 17.

Cast and creators

  • Emma Thompson
  • Daryl McCormack

Directed By Sophie Hyde

Written By Katy Brand


“As Nancy embarks on a post-marital sexual awakening and Leo draws on his skills and charm, together they find a surprising human connection.”

Other details

Emma Thompson is a two-time Academy Award-winning actor. However, Daryl McCormack is a newcomer, but he is a well-known face from the BBC series Peaky Blinders.


After a type of separation from her spouse, Nancy Stokes is willing to explore sexual relationships and experience the never-had-before orgasm. He hires a sex worker, Leo Grande, and lists all her desires. 

Amidst confusion and instincts, Leo charms Nancy with his skills and they soon develop a human connection.

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