God Forbid: The Sex Scandal That Brought Down a Dynasty: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

A former pool attendant describes his story and the experience of being involved in a 7-year relationship with Becki Falwell and her husband the evangelical Trump stalwart Jerry Falwell Jr.

Release date

God Forbid: The Sex Scandal That Brought Down a Dynasty will premiere on 1 November 2022 exclusively on Hulu.

Cast and creators

  • Giancarlo Granda

Directed by Billy Corben


“Giancarlo Granda, a former pool attendant and Becki Falwell were a part of a scandalous affair that broke news in 2020. Becki Falwell’s husband Jerry Falwell Jr resigned soon after. The documentary aims to dig deep into the event through stories narrated by people involved in the scandal, Giancarlo being the main man himself.”

Other details

Billy Corben is famously known for his documentary “Cocaine Cowboys” which focused on the Miami drug trade.


Different personalities including Giancarlo Granda himself come out in the open, reciting a tale that made headlines in the United States. The documentary covers all aspects of the scandal as well as the Falwell scandal. It also throws light upon the role of Donald Trump in this situation and what went down from the perspective of the documentary’s creators.

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