Ghislaine Maxwell: Filthy Rich: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

Ghislaine Maxwell: Filthy Rich, the upcoming Netflix documentary details survivors’ stories of Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex trafficking trial.

Release Date

Netflix will start streaming Ghislaine Maxwell: Filthy Rich on November 25.

Cast and creators

  • Salli Saffioti
  • Kathy Searle
  • Vanessa Lemonides
  • Maiken Baird
  • Ellen Harvey
  • Elena Melener
  • Elenna Stauffer

Directed by Maiken Baird and Lisa Bryant


“Discover the monster behind the monster. From filmmakers behind Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich go beyond the headlines of the Ghislaine Maxwell case to tell the definitive story of Epstein’s mysterious accomplice, illuminating how her class and privilege concealed her predatory nature.”

Other details

An American-British television miniseries which previously aired on Starz titled “Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?” featured Ghislaine who assisted Jeffrey Epstein in his crimes.


The new documentary proffers the newest true crime venture focusing on the testimonies of the women and girls who suffered as a result of the British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell’s horrific deeds. The documentary will delve into Maxwell’s history, her connection to Epstein, and the case that resulted in her conviction.

Also Read: Stutz: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

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