‘Fleishman Is in Trouble’ is a drama limited series based on Taffy Brodesser-2019 Akner’s novel of the same name which focuses on a single man dealing with the effects of a divorce.
Release date
The first two episodes are expected to air on November 17 on Hulu.
Cast and creators
- Jesse Eisenberg as Toby Fleishman
- Claire Danes as Rachel
- Meara Mahoney Gross as Hannah Fleishman
- Brian Miskell as Klay
- Eric William Moris as Todd
- Frances Li as Vanessa
- Tara Westwood as Amy
- Vincenzo Amato as Dr. Romalino
- Ralph Adriel Johnson as Phillip
Directed by Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini, Jonathan Dayton & Valerie Faris
“Toby Fleishman knew what to expect when he and his wife of almost fifteen years separated: weekends and every other holiday with the kids, some residual bitterness, the occasional moment of tension in their co-parenting negotiations.”
Other details
The series is based on Taffy Brodesser-Akner’s 2019 novel ‘Fleishman Is in Trouble’.
Jesse Eisenberg plays a recently divorced doctor in the trailer who must cope with the fallout from the split, including attempting to reenter the dating world. In the meantime, his ex-wife abruptly abandons their children and vanishes without saying goodbye. The show explores the Manhattan couple Toby and Rachel’s difficulties in both love and life. The series explores human relationships and the way they question their paths when money and material possessions override one’s life decisions.
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