End of the Road: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

End of the Road is a crime-thriller movie about a recently widowed woman who decides to shift across the country, but ends up getting entangled in a crime scene, with a murderer on the chase.

Release date

End of the Road will be released on Netflix on September 9.

Cast and creators

  • Queen Latifah
  • Ludacris
  • Beau Bridges
  • Mychala Faith Lee
  • Shaun Dixon
  • Frances Lee McCain

Directed by Millicent Shelton

Written by Christopher J. Moore and David Loughery


“Queen Latifah and Chris Bridges star in this road trip thriller about a mom of two kids who relocates across the country with her kids and brother. 

“The family’s move to the southland is thrown into complete chaos when they witness a murder on their road trip. Now, the murderer will stop at nothing to find them.”

Other details

The movie is based on a screenplay by David Loughery and this was made from an original draft written by Christopher Moore.


Brenda is a widowed mother of two who decides to move across the country with her children and brother. The family witnesses a crime scene, and Brenda’s brother picks up a bag filled with cash that belonged to the killer. 

Thus begins an adventure-packed car chase that has the family praying for their lives, as the killer attempts to chase them down to retrieve his belongings.

Also Read: Thomas M. Wright’s ‘The Stranger’ to get a Netflix release

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