Earthstorm (2022): Release date, synopsis, trailer & more

Earthstorm is a documentary series based on the disruptive forces of nature and their consequences on human life. It surfs through a timeline of thunderstorms, tornadoes and earthquakes experienced in different parts of the world.

Release date

The first episode of this series releases on 27 October on Netflix.


“Earthstorm reasons out the occurrence of forceful powers of nature and their impact on human lives. The series is a pool of footage of hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, thunderstorms, tornadoes and earthquakes. It also puts into context stories of survivors and storm chasers.”

Other details

Earthstorm will be a four-part documentary series.


As storm chasers and survivors explain hurricanes and tornadoes seen from their own eyes, the series aims at providing different perspectives on such mishaps and bringing out the dark truths of Mother Earth’s powerful forces. It will follow different stories and instances experienced by various people from around the world.

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