Civil: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

Civil is an upcoming biographical documentary featuring the renowned civil rights attorney Ben Crump. He’s been the civil rights lawyer for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Black Farmers.

Release date

Civil is scheduled to release on Netflix on June 19.

Cast and creators

Performed by Ben Crump

Directed by Nadia Hallgren


“The Social & Cultural doc focuses on the life of a maverick civil rights attorney, who won’t bog down from his mission to change the American perspective on black lives. It examines the impact on American civil rights and the justice system through his work.”

Other details

Oscar-winner Roger Ross Williams has produced the documentary. Erynn Sampson, Matthew Carnahan, and Geoff Mart serve as co-producers. The film screenings are all set for Tribeca and the American Black Film Festival.


The trailer introduces Ben Crump as a civil rights attorney, determined to raise the dignity levels of black people. Hailed as “Black America’s attorney general”, he commands immense respect for his work within the country. It also teases the flashback scenes from his politically active youth days.

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