Circuit Breakers: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

‘Circuit Breakers’ is a sci-fi anthology series about a group of kids in a futuristic world where technology has evolved tremendously. 

Release date

The anthology series premieres November 11 on Apple TV+

Cast and creators

  • Callan Farris as Jacob
  • Nathaniel Buescher as Jesse
  • Veda Cienfuegos as Emily
  • Cole Keriazakos as Seth

Directed by Matthew Hastings

Created by Melody Fox

Written by Melody Fox, Andrew Orenstein and Matthew Hastings


“In this sci-fi anthology series, curiosity leads to chaos when students in the near future experience mysterious events.”

Other details

Every episode will feature a distinct sci-fi twist on stories relatable to kids.


In the future, technology has allowed the lives of kids to be much easier. However, this same technology has far-reaching repercussions when a group of curious kids go too far.

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