Choose or Die: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

Choose or Die is a Netflix original horror movie following Kayla and Isaac as they try to survive a strange 80s game with disturbing consequences in their cursed reality.

Release date

Choose or Die will be available on Netflix on April 15, 2022.

Cast and creators

  • Iola Evans
  • Asa Butterfield
  • Eddie Marsan
  • Robert Englund
  • Ryan Gage
  • Kate Fleetwood
  • Angela Griffin
  • Joe Bolland

Directed by Toby Meakins

Written by Simon Allen


“Tempted by a chance to win unclaimed prize money, two friends reboot a mysterious 1980s video game and step into a surreal world of next-level terror.”

Other details

The film was previously titled CURS>R after the fictional game played by the protagonist. It marks Toby Meakins’ feature film debut.


Kayla (Evans), a young coder in need of money, plays a choice-based retro game in hopes of winning the prize. However, things take a turn for the worse as the game’s ability to manipulate reality is revealed through its levels, filled with horrifying decisions and people doing the unimaginable to survive. 

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