Catherine Called Birdy: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

Catherine Called Birdy is a medieval comedy film about a young girl’s efforts to foil her father’s attempts to arrange for her marriage to a wealthy suitor.

Release date

Catherine Called Birdy is set to premiere on October 7 on Prime Video. 

Cast & creators

  • Bella Ramsey
  • Andrew Scott
  • Joe Alwyn
  • Billie Piper
  • Paul Kaye

Directed by Lena Dunham


“Set in 1290 in the Medieval English village of Stonebridge, the film follows Lady Catherine (known as Birdy), who’s the youngest child of Lord Rollo and Lady Aislinn,” reads the synopsis. “Her playground is Stonebridge Manor, a house that, like the family, has seen better days. Financially destitute and utterly greedy, Rollo sees his daughter as his path out of financial ruin by marrying her off to a wealthy man for money and land. But Birdy, like all the great teen heroines, is spirited, clever, and adventurous – and ready to put off any suitor that comes calling in increasingly ingenious ways. Her imagination, defiance and deep belief in her right to independence put her on a collision course with her parents. When the vilest suitor arrives, they are presented with the ultimate test of love for their daughter.”

Other details

Catherine Called Birdy is based on the 1994 novel of the same name by Karen Cushman. The film is already set to premiere at TIFF i.e Toronto International Film Festival in September 2022. 


Catherine’s father, a lord, is hell-bent on finding her a groom and getting her married. She thwarts all his plans as she has no interest in marriage. She’s a progressive feminist who fights against these patriarchal standards. 

A beautiful and adventurous tale about old-world problems faced with a new-world attitude, filled with humour, love and modern twists. 

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