Casey Anthony: Where The Truth Lies: Release date, cast, official synopsis, teaser & more

A new docuseries titled Casey Anthony: “Where the Truth Lies”, details Casey’s life, the tragedy of losing her daughter and everything that followed.

Release date

Casey Anthony: Where the Truth Lies will debut on Peacock on November 29.

Cast and creators

  • Casey Anthony

Directed by Alexandra Dean

Official synopsis

“Considered one of the first “trials of the century” that polarized conversation in living rooms across America, the Casey Anthony case is one that still leaves more questions than answers. There have been several movies and documentaries made to fill in the gaps, and yet, the woman at the center of it all remains the biggest mystery. Throughout the exclusive three-part documentary series, Casey Anthony finally tells her side of the story and addresses the public that has made so many assumptions for the past 13 years.”

Other details

Casey’s personal archive and behind-the-scenes videos are featured in the three-part limited series.


An obviously anxious Anthony squirms in her seat before the interview for the show starts. She is seen sternly looking into the camera and there is writing on the screen that says, “Casey Anthony talks”. The scene cuts off just as Casey is ready to answer the interviewer’s opening question.

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