Disney recently released a series of new Frozen shorts called At Home with Olaf to cheer up all those who are stuck at home during quarantine.
Disney and Olaf animator Hyrum Osmond and actor Josh Gad who voiced the snowman in both the Frozen movies have teamed up to provide the fans with new content following everyone’s favourite snowman.
In a Twitter Live session, Gad explained how the head of Disney Animation, Jennifer Lee reached out to him about their plan to release a series of short videos, all animated from home.
He shared:
Osmund also shared the news of the project on Twitter, thanking the artists who worked from home to bring some joy to Disney fans.
The short animated videos will be released weekly on Disney Animation’s YouTube account.
Disney also released Frozen 2 on Disney+ three months ahead of its schedule to help families during the unprecedented lockdown.
Check out the episode Fun with Snow here:
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