Animaniacs is an animated series that follows three eccentric siblings on their wacky adventures, including but not limited to world domination. The second season in 2021 was a revival of the original iconic 1990s show of the same name.
Release date
The third season premieres on February 17 on Hulu.
- Rob Paulsen voicing Yakko Warner, Pinky, and Dr. Scratchansniff
- Jess Harnell voicing Wakko Warner
- Tress MacNeille voicing Dot Warner
- Maurice LaMarche voicing The Brain
- Frank Welker voicing Ralph T. Guard and Chicken Boo
- Stephanie Escajeda voicing Nora Rita Norita
Producers: Steven Spielburg and Wellesley Wild
Official synopsis
“Yakko, Wakko, and Dot return with an all-new season of laughs, songs, pop culture parodies, and enough zany antics to fill a water tower (or 10 episodes!). Pinky and The Brain’s never-ending plans to take over the world journey them to unexpected realms. And while new friends Starbox and Cindy continue their play date, the Warner siblings must battle their way out of a video game, learn the secrets of being a teen influencer, and escape a mad scientist’s island all while finding time to teach us about the threat of global warming!”
Other details
Originally, the Animaniacs creators wanted the characters Yakko, Wakko, and Dot to be ducks. They decided against this because they reasoned that the animation world was already full of ducks.
The Brain is, as usual, tired of Pinky messing up his plans. Meanwhile, the Warner siblings attempt a major heist but end up being thrown in jail. How will they get out? They don’t know yet, but Dot hopes it entertains parents and their kids alike.
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