Agent Elvis: Release date, cast, synopsis, teaser & more

The animated Action-comedy, Agent Elvis is about Elvis, who joins a secret government spy program to help fight the evil forces that threaten the country.

Release date

Agent Elvis is to premiere in March 2023, on Netflix.


Matthew McConaughey voices Elvis

Official Synopsis

“In the series, Elvis Presley trades in his white jumpsuit for a jet pack when he is covertly inducted into a secret government spy program to help battle the dark forces that threaten the country he loves — all while holding down his day job as the King of Rock And Roll.”

Other details

Agent Elvis’ animation was created by Robert Valley, a filmmaker who was nominated for an Oscar.


The teaser clip opens with McConaughey’s voice-over. Elvis leads an acclaimed life on stage, but he has a secret mission to perform off-stage. Will he step up and protect his country?

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