10 gifs that perfectly describe the life of a binge-watcher

Is it easy being a binge-watcher? Constantly searching for shows and films that can quench our thirst for good content can be a Herculean task.

If you’ve chosen this life or it chose you, we can relate.

Here are 10 gifs that aptly capture the experiences of every binge-watcher out there:

1. When you actually find something you want to watch.

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2. When you can’t wait for the next episode.

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3. When you’ve lost track of the outside world.

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4. When your favourite character dies.

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5. When the season ends on a cliffhanger and you may have to wait for years.

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6. When a show seems promising but ends up disappointing.

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7. When you don’t like a show but need to watch it to know the ending.

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8. When the ending is confusing and you have to Google.

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9. When you’re wondering which shows are coming up and need to check out The Envoy Web. (Sorry, we had to)

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10. When you’ve been waiting for months and the web series finally begins streaming.

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It might be tough, but we love this life and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Happy binge-watching!

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Did we miss out on any reactions? Let us know in the comments!

Also Read: Top 10 Indian web series of all time (Ranked)

Anweshak Tejendra
Anweshak Tejendrahttps://theenvoyweb.com/
Anweshak, editor-in-chief and co-creator of The Envoy Web, has been writing in the entertainment niche for years. A passionate film and television enthusiast, he has immersed himself in the world of pop culture throughout his career. He holds a master’s degree in multimedia journalism from London’s University of Westminster..

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