Coming 2 America ending explained: Women at par

Coming 2 America is a sequel to the 1988 movie Coming to America. It is streaming now on Amazon Prime Video.

Prince Akeem of Zamunda, Africa is married to Queen Lisa who is from Queens, New York; together they have 3 daughters. Prince Akeem’s father is on his death bed and wants that his kingdom is ruled only by a male heir.

Prince Akeem finds out that he has a son who lives in Queens and was conceived on his last trip back there 30 years ago. Keeping his father’s death wish and family traditions in mind, he flies all the way to America to look for his son, Lavelle Junson, after the King’s demise.

He is successful in convincing his son to come back with him to Zamunda along with his mother. After a little family drama, Lavelle is accepted by the family. A grave danger lures over Prince Akeem who has recently be crowned King, his enemy General Izzy has threatened to assassinate him.

General Izzy comes with a wedding proposal for Lavelle with his daughter to unite the two kingdoms. But Lavelle has to go through 3 tests to prove his worth as a Prince. Izzi gives them a week to conduct these tests, post which he will come back to get his daughter married off. Will Lavelle rule over Zamunda? Will he be able to prove his worth? Or will general Izzi take over the African Kingdom of Zamunda?

Coming 2 America (2021) ending explained in detail:

Women in Zamunda

The oldest daughter of Prince Akeem, Meeka, has always wished to be his heir and rule over Zamunda. She has served the country all her life. But her grandfather is strictly against it. Only a male heir can rule and the other option is to marry off Meeka to a potential suitor who can then become the heir.

Other than that, women in Zamunda are not even allowed to own businesses. Lavelle falls in love with the palace’s in-house barber, Mirembe, who has always dreamt of owning a barber shop of her own but isn’t allowed to.

Lavelle promises that as long as he is the Prince he will change certain traditions of Zamunda.

Lavelle’s tests of worthiness

Lavelle is made to undergo three tests to prove his worthiness. Firstly, he is taught to walk and act like royalty. His father himself teaches him that. Tired of the tests and after getting advice from Mirembe, Lavelle calls his uncle from Queens.

His uncle proves to be quite helpful in these tests and backs him throughout. His second test is to procure the whiskers from a lion while it is resting. Lavelle is dead scared to undertake this test.

However, his stepsister Meeka comes to his rescue and explains to him that maybe the test is not just about courage but also about using the mind. With this help, Lavelle steers clear through this test as well.

The third and final test examines his courage. He is fooled under the wrong pretext that he has to undergo a traditional circumcision. What he doesn’t know is that it’s a facade. They are just testing his courage.

Who will be the heir of Zamunda?

After passing all three tests, Lavelle has proven his worth to be the Prince of Zamunda. It is time for celebrations in the palace as they have found their heir. General Izzi is back with her daughter and the marriage is to occur soon. Lavelle, however, finds nothing common between himself and her. He wants to have certain similarities with his wife.

He then goes back to Mirembe and confesses her desire to marry her. After an affirmative answer from Mirembe, Lavelle heads to talk to his father as he thinks he will understand his love.

But he ends up overhearing the conversation between King Akeem and General Izzi. The later calls him a pawn in their war game. This breaks him, he gathers Mirembe, his mother and flies back to Queens.

King Akeem is furious when this comes to his knowledge, he ends up having a fight with his wife and she kicks him out of his room. He then goes to have a word with his father-in-law, who motivates him to rethink his mother’s teachings.

He flies off to America to bring his son back. While he is away, his daughter Meeka protects the palace from Izzi. King Akeem learns that he has to keep both his kingdom and family in mind. He makes his daughter Meeka the Queen and makes Lavelle the Ambassador to America.

The movie ends up on a happy note and peace prevails in the African kingdom of Zamunda.

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