Who is Salazar? National Treasure: Edge of History character explained

Salazar remains one of the most mysterious forces for bad lingering in the background of National Treasure: Edge of History, with the recent episodes, finally revealing some key details on the elusive villain.

With a hunt for the mythical treasure of Montezuma afoot, there are many who wish to get their hands on the invaluable that even the Spanish conquistadors couldn’t claim.

Meanwhile, there are those who wish to preserve the treasure and prevent it from being stolen and falling into the wrong hands, like the protagonist Jess Valenzuela.

While the ruthless and sharp antiquities dealer, Billie Pearce has been the prime antagonist in National Treasure: Edge of History, there’s another villainous figure who’s been lingering in the background since the very beginning of the story.

Salazar has been that very presence looming large as a cryptic and ferocious man of mystery. However, only little has been revealed regarding this legendary treasure hunter so far.

A feared legend

It was Salazar’s men who chased away Rafael and attempted to kidnap him when he was stealing the clues to the treasure for himself.

Rafael’s identity as a double agent working for the FBI and the Freemasons was likely revealed and as a result, he had to ditch the happy life he had with his family.

In the very first episode, it’s revealed by Peter Sadusky that Salazar is a feared treasure hunter who has been one of many other hunters looking to find the legendary treasure.

Billie National Treasure
Image source: Disney+

Over the course of Edge of History, there have been other instances where Salazar’s feared status is confirmed as different people react with the same expressions of shock mixed with slight fear. The treasure hunter is clearly a legend in the world of the National Treasure series.

A legacy of blood

Salazar is also claimed to have gotten a lot of people killed in the series. Initially, it’s implied that Rafael died as a result of fighting Salazar’s men while allowing his family safe passage to escape, which was later revealed to be untrue as Rafael is alive and well, albeit serving time in prison.

Later in the series, none other than Billie Pearce reveals a couple of things about the legendary hunter to Jess, claiming that her brother Sebastian was also killed by him, before trying to get Jess on her side with this relatable bit of trivia about her and the cause she stands for.

Billie would later go on to confront Rafael and pin the blame for her brother’s murder on him, which he denied but she pays little heed to his claims of innocence.

The likely suspect under the hood

While the true identity of the legendary treasure hunter remains unknown, a couple of revelations have already been made about Salazar. In episode 8, Jess and her dad are met by a man who earlier had stalked Jess and her friends.

He reveals to the father and daughter duo that Salazar is not one man and that he’s everywhere all the time. He later goes on to reveal that it’s not a name but a mantle, for the leader of a group of treasure hunters going back to Ancient Egypt.

This brings the viewers to Billie — the likeliest contender to turn out to be the real Salazar. It’s previously revealed that she’s a part of the shadowy syndicate rife with old men.

Now that it’s known that Salazar isn’t a name, Billie can easily be the one who sports the mantle in contemporary times. However, the show doesn’t confirm that or reveal the true identity of the treasure-hunting leader since the eighth episode.

Also Read: Who is Billie Pearce in National Treasure: Edge of History?

Rishabh Chauhan
Rishabh Chauhan
Rishabh is an editor at The Envoy Web, and when not writing about films and shows, he's busy attending to a perpetually growing and an all-genre-encompassing binge list.

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