Vanessa Hamilton is the newest authority figure brought into Hillerska during a time of difficulty. Marie Robertson plays the character.
After Wilhelm’s speech, other former students are emboldened to speak out about the bullying and terrible initiations they faced while they were at Hillerska.
The school is backed into a corner and Vanessa Hamilton steps in as the Acting Principal to steady the ship.
Her first order of business is to lay down the law, telling the students that all their extra-curricular activities are being canceled and a curfew is being set in place.
She also tells them that their phones will be taken away and they will have only an hour of phone time every day.
Vanessa lets them know that things will remain that way until the visit from the school inspectorate to determine the legitimacy of the claims by former students.
Relenting to pressure
The students aren’t thrilled with the new restrictions, especially the final years who are missing out on the fun they usually have on their way out.
Vanessa calls Felice at one point to ask her about her experience at the school. She answers them favorably and Vanessa is quite pleased.
She says that Felice is one of the students the inspectorate will be personally interviewing, and it is up to Felice to convince them that the accusations don’t hold.
She then adds a comment about her happiness that their school promotes diversity through students like Felice, a comment that makes Felice a little uncomfortable.
Vincent has enough of the restrictions and organizes a peaceful sit-in protest with all the other students until their demands are met.
Vanessa initially has them locked out of their dorms and all the kitchens closed so that they starve, but the students persevere.
She ultimately gives into some of their demands so that the school doesn’t get into more trouble than it already is in.
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