Sheriff: Narko Integriti follows the investigation of a police officer into a series of murders committed by a fellow law enforcement officer. The film is now streaming on Netflix.
Warning: This article contains heavy spoilers
Plot summary
Nazri, a young narcotics officer, vows revenge after his girlfriend, Syazwani, is killed during an undercover operation; her cover was blown, leading to her assault and murder.
Syazwani was investigating Tony Ifrit, a drug kingpin targeted by the narcotics department. Even when Tony is caught by the police, he always manages to prove his innocence in court and walk free.
Determined to take down Tony and the corrupt officers working for him, Nazri begins killing Tony’s associates and corrupt police officers, meticulously cleaning up his victim’s bodies afterward.
Being a police officer himself, Nazri knows how to cover his tracks, leaving no evidence behind. As the police remain unaware of the killer’s identity, Nazri earns the nickname “Meth Killer”.
When the Meth Killer murders Malik, a senior police officer suspected of working for Tony, ASP Jennifer Wong is brought in to collaborate with the narcotics department to solve the case.
Soon after, a member of Tony’s gang, identified by the narcotics department only days before, is killed by the Meth Killer. This raises suspicions that the Meth Killer has links to the narcotics department.
As a result, Sheriff, an officer from RMP’s Special Unit tasked with investigating crimes committed by police officers, is assigned to the case.
From the outset, Sheriff focuses on the narcotics department, convinced that the Meth Killer is one of their own. All the department’s officers are interrogated.
When Sheriff and Jennifer question Nazri, he provides perfect answers and an alibi, but Sheriff still begins to suspect him.
Sheriff is aware that there were suspicions surrounding a corrupt officer, supposedly Malik, who was believed to have compromised Syazwani’s cover, thus giving Nazri a motive.
To confirm his suspicions, Sheriff tricks the narcotics officers into believing that he is using drugs. Nazri reacts most strongly to this, confirming Sheriff’s suspicion that Nazri cannot tolerate corrupt officers.
Now, Sheriff only needs evidence to prove Nazri’s guilt. As Sheriff shifts his focus to gathering evidence against him, Nazri continues his work as the Meth Killer.
Nazri sends his sister, ASP Syazlin, who works in the same department, the layout of Tony’s hideout to facilitate Tony’s arrest.
However, Tony’s gang vacates the building before the police arrive, leading Nazri to suspect that there is a mole in his own department.
Over time, even Syazlin begins to suspect Nazri, but the suspicion is diverted when another murder occurs while Nazri is being questioned by Sheriff and Jennifer.
This murder was committed by Nazri’s informant, Firdaus, a member of Tony’s gang who knows that Nazri is the Meth Killer and tries to mimic his MO.
However, Firdaus is less meticulous than Nazri and is caught by the police. Sheriff, suspecting a connection, has Nazri interrogate Firdaus.
Nazri subtly signals Firdaus to remain silent during the questioning, then pretends to lose his temper, which escalates into a physical fight.
In the chaos, Firdaus tries to attack the officers around him, leading Inspector Farouk to shoot him. Firdaus dies without revealing Nazri’s identity.
Sheriff still believes Nazri is the Meth Killer and that Firdaus was only responsible for the most recent murder, prompting him to continue his investigation.
Ending explained:
Tony’s moles
Sheriff is aware that someone from the narcotics department is working for Tony. He uses this information to send Tony a message, suggesting that he wants to cooperate to find the Meth Killer.
Jennifer, who turns out to be the corrupt officer, delivers the message to Tony. She is being blackmailed into working for Tony, as he has been threatening her son.
Sheriff is then brought to Tony’s hideout. Tony is just as eager to find the Meth Killer as Sheriff, but Sheriff has no intention of cooperating with Tony. His real aim is to identify Tony’s mole.
During their meeting, Tony reveals that he has two police officers working for him, not just one, indicating that Jennifer is not the only corrupt officer in the department.
Nazri’s guilt
Sheriff and Syazlin are convinced that Nazri is the Meth Killer and urge him to turn himself in, given that there is still no concrete evidence against him.
Up until now, Nazri felt justified in his actions, believing that his victims deserved to die. His perspective changes when Syazlin informs him that Malik was not corrupt.
Malik was an honest officer working undercover to bring down Tony, but Nazri killed him before he could find the location of Tony’s hideout.
Nazri is overcome with guilt for killing an innocent man, realizing for the first time that he was wrong to take the law into his own hands.
It is then that Jennifer approaches Nazri, revealing that she knows he is the Meth Killer. She proposes that they work together to kill Tony once and for all.
Nazri and Jennifer team up
Jennifer does not tell Tony that Nazri, who has joined hands with her, is the Meth Killer. She then carries out her plan to kill Tony.
Jennifer convinces Tony to kidnap Nazri and use both their lives as leverage to force Sheriff into cooperating with him. Tony then blackmails Sheriff, demanding that he disclose the Meth Killer’s identity
Sheriff does not want to disclose Nazri’s identity to Tony, knowing that it would lead to Nazri’s death. However, if he refuses, both Nazri and Jennifer will be killed.
This leads to Sheriff and Syazlin devising a plan to rescue Jennifer and Nazri and capture Tony. Syazlin offers herself as a stand-in for the Meth Killer, and the police to carry out rescue operations.
Through a tracker placed on Syazlin, Sheriff and his team locate Tony’s hideout. As the police storm in, Jennifer frees Nazri, and they join forces with the police to fight Tony’s gang.
Nazri captures Tony, but instead of arresting him, he kills Tony, knowing that Tony would likely escape justice once again. Nazri finally avenges his girlfriend’s death.
The Meth Killer’s death
Syazlin witnesses Nazri brutally killing Tony and starts fearing him. She runs away, and when someone shoots at her, she assumes that it is Nazri.
However, it is Jennifer who wants to kill Syazlin to protect her own cover, fearing that Tony’s associates will try to kill her if they find out that she betrayed them.
Jennifer intends to kill Syazlin to maintain her loyalty in the eyes of both the police and Tony’s gang. Nazri, determined to protect his sister, tries to kill Jennifer.
When Syazlin sees Nazri pointing a gun at Jennifer, she points her own gun at him, despite his claims that Jennifer is the traitor. Eventually, Jennifer attacks, resulting in Nazri shooting at her.
This leads to Syazlin, who prioritizes her duty over her love for her brother, killing Nazri. At that moment, Inspector Farouk arrives and shoots Syazlin.
It is revealed that Farouk is the second mole working for Tony. Jennifer then kills Farouk to ensure there are no witnesses to her corruption.
Exposing Jennifer’s corruption
Jennifer later justifies her actions, claiming that she killed Farouk because he attacked her and Syazlin. The police also find evidence of Nazri being the Meth Killer.
Jennifer not only gets away with her crimes but is credited with solving both the Meth Killer case and taking down Tony’s operation.
Just when Jennifer thinks that she is safe, she learns that Syazlin survived. Fearing that Syazlin will expose her, Jennifer visits the hospital to kill her.
At the hospital, Sheriff, who has always suspected Jennifer’s involvement with Tony, confronts her and questions her about the case.
He catches her in her lies, proving that she has been working with Tony for a long time. He also informs Jennifer that Syazlin has already given her testimony, leaving Jennifer with no options.
Realizing that any investigation into her actions would put her son in danger due to her knowledge of Tony’s secrets, Jennifer takes her own life to protect him.
Before dying, she warns Sheriff not to trust anyone and requests him to take care of her son, a request Sheriff fulfills.
Impressed by Syazlin’s commitment to justice, Sheriff believes that she should work in the RMP’s Special Unit and recruits her.
The two of them are then informed that they will collaborate with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate a powerful judge named Dr. Syed Abdul Rahman.
Also Read: The Deliverance recap and ending explained