Sharleen: Supacell character explained

In Supacell, Sharleen, Sabrina’s sister, is targeted because of Sabrina’s powers. Rayxia Ojo plays Sharleen.

Sharleen is Sabrina’s younger sister, who is very different from Sabrina. While Sabrina is responsible and level-headed, Sharleen is carefree and impulsive. 

Sabrina always tries her best to protect her sister in every possible way, while Sharleen, who is not as mature and dependable as Sabrina, cares for her in her own way.

Sharleen discovers her sister’s power

Sharleen’s bold and carefree attitude comes in handy at times. Sharleen is the one who encourages Sabrina to go to her boyfriend’s house when she suspects him of cheating. 

Sabrina catches her boyfriend cheating but also ends up developing telekinetic powers. However, Sharleen does not believe Sabrina when she tells her about her powers. 

Sharleen tries to help ease Sabrina’s mind but fails, unable to understand her sister’s problems and feelings. Eventually, she witnesses Sabrina’s powers firsthand at a club. 

There, a man tries to sexually assault Sharleen, and Sabrina comes to her rescue. Like Sabrina, Sharleen’s attacker also seems to have superpowers. 

Sabrina uses her powers to defend herself and her sister, which results in the death of their attacker and Sharleen finally believing Sabrina’s claims. 

Supacell Sharleen
Sharleen witnesses Sabrina use her powers

Sabrina feels guilty and wants to confess to the police, but Sharleen tries to convince her not to do so because Sabrina acted in self-defense. 

Despite Sharleen’s pleas, Sabrina decides to report the murder, only to find out that the body of their attacker was never found.

Sharleen’s kidnapping

Sharleen has been in an abusive relationship with Craig, also known as Krazy, the leader of a street gang who went to prison. 

Sharleen believes Craig when he tells her that he will marry her after serving his sentence. Sabrina disapproves of the relationship, as she knows that Craig has hurt her sister. 

Craig gets out of prison early because of Victoria and cheats on Sharleen, who easily forgives him when he apologizes with a gift. 

However, his time in prison has not changed Craig. During an argument with Sharleen, he does not hesitate to physically assault and humiliate her. 

Sharleen has had enough of men hurting her, so she decides to stand up for herself and confront Craig, unaware that he has superpowers.

Craig is one of the men in hoods who hunt people with activated supacell. Instead of Sabrina, his superiors suspect Sharleen of having powers and keep a close watch on her.

This suspicion leads to Craig kidnapping Sharleen, who ends up imprisoned at a facility under the Ashington Estate, while her sister desperately searches for her.

Also Read: Tazer/Tayo: Supacell character explained

Muskan Chhatwani
Muskan Chhatwani
Muskan is an editor at The Envoy Web. Her name translates to smile in English, but she likes shows and films that do anything but make you smile. She believes that analyzing and interpreting the tiny little things on-screen can reveal a story that is not visible to everyone, a story of your own.

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