In the second season of Another Self, Sevgi accepts that she does not have long to live, but her grandfather believes otherwise.
Sevgi is seen undergoing treatment for cancer in the second season of the show. She feels hopeless about her future because, despite getting better in the past, her cancer has relapsed.
She also finds out that because of her treatment, she cannot have children, which makes her feel worse about her condition.
Due to this, Sevgi grows bitter and pushes Fiko away. She also refuses to forgive her mother for hiding the truth about her father.
However, when she finds out that her health is deteriorating, Sevgi makes amends with the people she loves and makes an important decision.
Sevgi’s decision to stop treatment
Sevgi and her friends had been hoping to hear that her cancer is gone. Instead, her recent test results reveal that her cancer has spread.
Sevgi had asked her doctor not to share her reports with anyone, not even Ada, who is a doctor at the same hospital.
She realizes that she has been so focused on recovering that she has stopped living her life. There are certain things Sevgi wants to do before she dies.
As she does not want to waste what little time she has left on treatments, she decides not to seek further treatment and instead focuses on making her last wishes come true.
She wishes to live a happy and carefree life with her friends and family, and she knows that she cannot do that if she tells them the truth about her health, so she lies to them, telling them that she is cancer-free.
She apologizes to Fiko and reconciles with him, ensuring that she appreciates and supports him for the rest of her life.
Sevgi’s condition keeps getting worse, and Fiko figures out that Sevgi is lying to him, but he waits for her to tell him the truth.
Ada also grows suspicious and manages to get Sevgi’s report from the hospital. Ada and Leyla then find out the truth about Sevgi’s health.
Knowing that treatments can no longer help Sevgi, Ada and Leyla are left with no choice but to support the choices Sevgi has already made.
A new ray of hope
Sevgi’s friends help her find her father’s village and her paternal grandfather, Yeram. Her grandfather immediately notices that Sevgi is sick and asks her to stay the night.
The herbalism adopted during the Ottoman Empire is Yeram’s family legacy, and he does not believe that Sevgi’s disease is incurable.
He spends all night preparing an herbal remedy for Sevgi, drawing on the knowledge handed down through his ancestors. Sevgi starts taking the medicine as instructed.
The show’s ending hints that there is still hope that Sevgi might be cured, as Ada’s voiceover says that the journey Sevgi embarks on with her friends is going to be life-changing for all three of them.
Also Read: Diyar Çelik: Another Self season 2 character explained